Post by Ben on May 10, 2021 20:39:57 GMT -8
Varied Thrush Bewick's Wren Ruffed Grouse
Post by Ben on May 10, 2021 20:43:02 GMT -8
Harrier, who had Yellow-headed Blackbird?
Post by Harrier on May 10, 2021 20:51:00 GMT -8
Harrier, who had Yellow-headed Blackbird? It was on the Facebook group. I checked to find out who it was for you and noticed that not only was it April 30th and not in May, but it was also in Tswwassen! Double fail by me! I’ll remove that.
Post by gabi on May 11, 2021 7:17:54 GMT -8
American Kestrel on Matsqui prairie
Post by ed on May 11, 2021 7:40:50 GMT -8
So there was a Yellow-headed Blackbird seen by myself and others a few days ago. Also a Vesper Sparrow. We saw them at Hope Airport. ——Technically the travel restrictions include Hope and Hope area because of Hope being lumped into interior health region. I would not encourage people to flock to the area and none of us four feel any sense of entitlement or anger towards government or health authorities(nothing to prove). We all had lunches and didn’t enter the townsite or stores in Hope. We know that the way we bird is safe, however admittedly we may have stretched the rules. That’s up for interpretation and you have to make your own call. Good birding! Ed Klassen
Post by birder1942 on May 11, 2021 14:22:36 GMT -8
just went through the list and noticed some missing that have been seen in the Fraser Valley this month: Barrow's Goldeneye, American Kestrel, Belted Kingfisher, Red Breasted Sapsucker, Pileated Woodpecker, Bewick's Wren, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Varied thrush, Cedar Waxwing, Western Tanager, Vesper Sparrow. All were seen by Ed, Larry, Joel or me, John Vooys. If one wishes to know where these were seen , just ask.
Post by Harrier on May 11, 2021 15:22:00 GMT -8
Post by nickinthegarden on May 11, 2021 17:07:56 GMT -8
I can fill in a few of the missing. Greater Scaup and Hooded Merganser at Willbank Creek Park and Northern Harrier in the Glen Valley.
Post by birder1942 on May 14, 2021 16:56:15 GMT -8
To add to the May list, we can add Sooty Grouse, Bank Swallow, and Purple Martin (Silvr Lake, Cheam, Eagle Point. John Vooys
Post by ed on May 14, 2021 19:25:45 GMT -8
Chipping Sparrow
Post by dpeppar on May 15, 2021 7:19:05 GMT -8
I had a Calliope Hummingbird at the feeder this week.
DaveP Chilliwack
Post by Harrier on May 15, 2021 10:02:11 GMT -8
Updated, including the Townsend's solitaire I saw along Windy Knob FSR this morning.
(In case anyone was considering heading up there, the road is blocked by a new clearcut and not passable even on foot.)
Post by oldfulica on May 17, 2021 17:44:04 GMT -8
We has a female Ruddy Duck at Wilband today. It was by the south/west bridge.
Post by Harrier on May 25, 2021 19:03:59 GMT -8
Updated the list and the "Missing Species" list. Sorry about the long gap between updates. I kept telling myself that I'd do an update when there was a surge of new reports, but it's been pretty quiet here lately after an early May flurry. I added Ruddy duck and Gord's scoters and redstart. I also had a singing Fox sparrow at the top of Mt. Thurston yesterday, which was my first ever view of the Slate-colored subspecies. Be sure to take a look at the "Missing Species" list to see if there are any that you can fill in before the end of the month.
Post by nickinthegarden on May 26, 2021 3:07:03 GMT -8
Solitary Sandpiper at Matsqui Trail Park near the sewage treatment plant, Eastern Kingbird at Page Road parking lot of Matsqui Trail Park, Hermit Thrush near the parking lot at the Vedder River.